Inbound and outbound call management (customer care management)
Claims collection services
Telemarketing, telesales and advertising (supply and contracting, arranging meetings, introducing customers to products, loyalty programs)
Execution of projects and activities related to the promotion of various brands;
Data analysing, processing and archiving
Multilingual services (English, Italian, Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian and German);
Back office (database management, customer data processing, CRM, managing administration processes and activities linked to customer services)
Research and analysis of customer satisfaction
Coverage of service: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (40 hours per week, shift work), Saturday by agreement
Working schedule: Can be tailored to the client’s requirement. Secure services on holidays on request
Our staff: Team members with more than 5 years of professional experience in the field
Training: If necessary and desired by the Partner
Technical availability: Facilities: optical cable, workstations with PC, VoIP, server; If necessary (as an additional cost) phones, control and monitoring system for inbound calls and contract with local service provider for telecommunications
Reporting: Upon request
Satisfaction surveys: Upon request
Invoicing and payment: Within 15 days from the invoice date
Vladimira Gortana 38
52 470 Umag - Umago
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